WANTED: Service Dog Trainers & Assistants!

Comfort Corner: Pickle!

By Marilyn Davis My 16-month-old golden retriever, Pickle, has not gotten my memo about my plans for her future as a therapy dog. I’ve had other certified therapy dogs –  goldens – who met the brief: “Velcro” affection applied liberally to everyone they meet. Pickle, however, so far, does

Therapy Dog Programs 2024 Update

Pawsitive Teams recently opened its Therapy Dog Prep School for 2025. And yes, January & April classes are already full! We will be starting our April 2024 term in a few weeks, with most of our trainers in tow at some point during the six-week term (Carol Davis, Charli King,…

Therapy Program Updates—Spring 2023

By Barbara McKown Therapy Dog Program Manager 2023 IS OFF TO A GREAT START! Our January Prep School class was full, and several people indicated they are interested in our Goal Directed Therapy programs. The first Therapy Dog Team evaluation was done in early February and seven teams passed the…

Rally Activity as a Therapy Program Tool

The American Kennel Club (AKC) created Rally in 2005 to be a fun family sport. Today, Rally competitions are held throughout the country. It is considered a team sport offering a way challenge you and your dog. Here’s how the AKC describes Rally: You and your dog navigate a course,…

What Makes a Good Therapy Dog?

  A social dog that likes people and other dogs is the short answer. Can a rescue dog become a therapy dog?  Yes! Another short answer. How can I make sure my dog is social and likes people and other dogs? Now we’re getting to the long answers.   Whether…

What is Therapy Dog Prep School?

Have people often told you your dog is so sweet that it should be a therapy dog? Have you ever wondered what’s involved in actually doing that sort of volunteer work with your dog? Pawsitive Teams has been offering Therapy Dog Preparation School (Prep School for short) just for folks…