WANTED: Service Dog Trainers & Assistants!

Q4 Executive Director’s Corner

This time of the year always seems to be something of a hustle-bustle, right?  As I put away the Halloween décor,  I’ve noticed that some on my street already have their holiday lights going. As I write this in early November, I’m left with thinking about the events in between – we will remember our Veterans, and I think of all I know who have served. While Bobby did not receive enough votes to win the Purina Image Award, we are grateful that he was selected to make people more aware of veterans who have PTSD and the dogs that assist them. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and we have much to be thankful for in each of our lives. And then, when December rolls around, we celebrate many holidays, remembering the past year and preparing for the new year.

Each of us will also remember those close to us who will not be sitting in our family rooms for the holidays this year. Since July, Pawsitive Teams lost three members of our family…my husband, Hank Beck, one of our Therapy Dog volunteers; our Pawsitive Teams Board member, Treasurer, and donor Steve Stargardter; and our long-time volunteer and extraordinary community treasure, Judy Fridono.  

And so it is that every year at this time, Executive Directors of every non-profit in the world celebrate Giving Tuesday, a day of giving on the last Tuesday of each November.  Giving Tuesday is a wonderful way to remember your human and canine loved ones by giving to Pawsitive Teams in their honor or their memory. And for those of you who like to give at the very end of the year, there are many ways to do so, and they are all listed on our website. We thank you for your kindness in supporting Pawsitive Teams and what it means to all the people of San Diego County that we touch, especially those with special needs.  

May your holidays be blessed and thank you for all you do,
