Let's get to 100 BY MAY 25th!
Let's get to 100 BY MAY 25th!
—Your donation is 100% Tax Deductible plus we’ll DOUBLE it!—
In honor of our 25th year, we’re reaching out to FIRST-TIME DONORS! An anonymous Pawsitive Teams supporter has stepped up to match every $25 gift if we reach 100 NEW donors by May 25, 2022. So your $25 donation will double! We’ll put your special donation to work where it’s needed most. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
QUESTIONS? Contact Eileen Heveron at [email protected].
Our programs are run by a very dedicated group of volunteers and we depend heavily on donations to fulfill our mission and secure our future. Pawsitive Teams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in San Diego, California. EIN 33-0851474. DONATE TODAY and experience the joy of contributing to a life-changing cause.
Do you need more info than you see on our website or do you have questions?
Contact Eileen Heveron, the Pawsitive Teams Executive Director, at [email protected]. You can also leave her a voicemail at 1-858-558-7297 (Press 1).
You can make either a one-time or a recurring tax-deductible donation to us easily and securely. Visa and MasterCard do not charge a processing fee; American Express charges 2.85%.You’ll receive an immediate email confirming your online donation followed by a personal letter acknowledging receipt.
Donate Through
AmazonSmile is a program that donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to a charity of your choice. It’s an automatic way for you to support Pawsitive Teams every time you shop, at no cost to you. Just go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser to turn on AmazonSmile for your existing Amazon account and choose Pawsitive Teams as your selected charity. From then on, when you go to smile.amazon.com, your shopping experience will the be the same as always, EXCEPT you’ll automatically be donating to Pawsitive Teams. How easy is that? If you choose to do this, thank you.
Donate Through
Our Amazon Charity List
Interested in donating supplies or equipment to our program? We’ve identified some products on Amazon that would really make a difference in raising our service dog pups, our training activities, and many other efforts to fulfill our mission. Using the Pawsitive Teams Amazon Charity List is an easy way for you to shop and donate items directly to us. Simply add items from our list to your cart, and check out—thank you!

Donate By Mail
Please send your tax-deductible donation check to:
Pawsitive Teams
7031 Carroll Road
San Diego, CA 92121
We’ll send you a receipt for your donation by return mail. Please be sure to include your return address!
Donate Your Vehicle
If you would like to donate your vehicle, please click the link below.
Or, call to donate your vehicle at 1-855-500-7433
Types of Donations
General Operating Donations
Donations given to help cover general operating expenses will be used to help pay the costs of training our service dogs and transitioning them to a disabled partner; and the costs of operating our various Therapy Dog Programs. You may want to earmark your General Operating Donation as a Special Occasion Donation honoring someone special for the holidays, for a birthday, or for another special occasion. Or you could designate that your donation is given in memory of a loved person or pet.
Emergency Veterinary Fund (V-E-T Fund)
The Vanessa Emergency Treatment Fund is a restricted fund used to cover unusual veterinary expenses incurred by our dogs in training. This fund can also provide loans for graduates who experience out of the ordinary veterinary expenses for their service dog.
Employer Matching Gift Programs
Did you know that many corporate employers will match a charitable donation to a 501(c)(3) and double or even triple the amount of your gift with the benefit going to Pawsitive Teams? So please check with your employer’s Human Resources department to see if they have a Matching Gifts Program. If so, Pawsitive Teams’ EIN is 33-0851474.
Endowment Program
Pawsitive Teams’ endowment program helps ensure the future of our organization. We are proud to be a Nonprofit Partner participating in the Endow San Diego initiative conducted by the San Diego Foundation*. In addition to any questions you may have regarding endowment giving, our Executive Director welcomes inquiries from you and/or your financial advisor concerning leaving a legacy gift to support our mission. Such giving assists you in minimizing taxes while maximizing the impact you have on our organization through your donation.
Planned Giving
As you may be aware, there are many ways in which a non-profit organization such as Pawsitive Teams can accept planned gifts, including direct bequests, inclusion in a charitable remainder trust, beneficiary of a life insurance policy, stock gifts, to name a few. Because administrative costs are supported by Pawsitive Teams’ operating budget, your planned gift would correspond entirely as you intend. Please email us to learn more, or call us at 858-558-7297. Or, if you’ve decided already, please print, sign, and mail us the Estate Planning Letter of Intent (attached right here).
*The Nonprofit Partnership Program is a cooperative agreement only and limited to the Endow San Diego Program. No legal connection or inter-organization authority is granted or implied between participants in the program.
Sit, Stay, and IRA Rollover!
Once you reach the age of 72 and have an IRA, you’re required to take a minimum required distribution (RMD) from your IRA every year. This mandatory withdrawal becomes income which will be taxed as such. To avoid some tax issues, you could instead direct your IRA administrator to distribute some or all of your RMD to Pawsitive Teams. It’s called a rollover! A rollover donation transferred as a gift to Pawsitive Teams will not count as income for you, but does count against the required RMD amount, and therefore, reduce the amount you will be taxed that year. Current laws indicate you can direct up to $100,000 annually, but please consult your financial or tax advisor.
Note: as you’re not claiming this transferred amount as income and not paying income tax on it, you will not receive an income tax deduction for this gift. Also Pawsitive Teams is not allowed to provide you with any benefits for your donations made from IRAs. That said, your gift will go directly to supporting our mission of enhancing the lives of individuals with special needs in San Diego County by using the skills of highly trained service, facility, and therapy dogs.
Most IRA administrators have a form and procedure for you to make a rollover gift. You’ll need to specify your own account information and identify Pawsitive Teams as the recipient for the designated amount. Our EIN number is 33-0851474. Thank you!!
Do you need more info than you see on our website or do you have questions?
Contact Eileen Heveron, the Pawsitive Teams Executive Director, at [email protected]. You can also leave her a voicemail at 1-858-558-7297 (Press 1).
Sponsor a Puppy
Sponsoring the training and care of a special dog for someone with a disability can accomplish this and at the same time give greater independence to that person. Your sponsorship helps with the initial costs of acquiring the pup, veterinary expenses during the first year, and all costs related to ongoing maintenance of a healthy dog during its training and transition.
Your sponsorship of $7,500 will provide you with the following benefits
- Opportunities to meet with and take pictures of the pup you are sponsoring.
- The honor of naming your pup. (Some restrictions may apply).
- Demonstrations of the skills the pup is learning as it advances in its training.
- Photos of the progress your pup is making.
- An opportunity to personally meet the dog’s new partner, once the placement becomes final.
- Media publicity (newsletter announcement, website notice, local newspaper) about your sponsorship, if desired.
- And your gift is of course tax deductible.

Contact Us About Becoming a Puppy Sponsor
We’re happy to discuss the details of becoming a puppy sponsor with you. Just click below and send us an email message.